Thursday, December 2, 2010

Hi there!

I have been inspired by so many other blogs but have been a little intimidated to try it myself but today is the day. I am very excited to share our family's crazy life with you and to be able hopefully to share in yours as well. We have a lot of friends and family who live far away from us and I am hoping this will be a way we can connect more often. Please bear with me while I learn the tricks of blogging. I have never been a very good journal writer but this is on my New Years List of things to accomplish and I'm just starting a little early.
We have been crazy busy the last month with several projects here at the Haasienda. Ethan, Margret, and Catherine got their pigs in mid November and Paul has been building the pens, feeders, and shelter non stop it seems. The kids named them Stinky (Ethans), Curly (Catherines), and Domino (Margrets), pictures to follow soon :-) Second project is Bowling League for all 4 kids, every Sat 9-11 for Ethan and 11-1 for the girls, makes for a long morning for Paul and I but the kids love it and every ones averages are improving steadily. Maybe we will end up with someone on the Tour someday :-)
Thanksgiving was.......disappointing but relaxing. We were all suppose to go to Tanja and Matts for their first Holiday Dinner but Paul got sick with the flu and was in bed ALL day so the kids and I ended up staying home and eating turkey sandwiches. Now we are preparing for the xmas lights to go up outside (Pauls job) and the decorating of the indoors as well (my job) and getting the tree of course! A LIVE tree which is the only option at our house! Love the smell of pine, it brings back so many wonderful memories of Christmas' gone by.
Ok, gotta go make sure the kids are doing their chores. Talk with you soon, Gayle
PS. A special thank you to Shelley of Grandmaslittlepearls for encouraging me and inspiring me to start this blog.


  1. WHAT? Illness on Thanksgiving! Not fair! You totally get a do-over :) Love the blog!!

  2. I love it!! I can't wait to follow along :)

  3. Welcome to the world of blogging! Gayle you are way too talented not to have a blog. Can't wait to see it blossom.
